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Ground Zero Museum Workshop
Ground Zero Museum Workshop: Images& Artifacts from the Recovery Stunning Images by Official Ground Zero Photographer Gary Marlon Suson."Rare Photos"(New York Times) are displayed, some in lifelike 3D installations, as well as remnants& rare video. Daily one-hour tours. Benefits 9/11 Charity."Incredible Images" says Fox News Channel.
I get acquainted with them in American New York-- the father and the son, is purely coincidental.
That is in New York street, there is a guide to hold the five-star red flag, head a group for the tourist, attracted a large number of Americans.
The United States is like the sea stars and stripes. In the United States many many-storied buildings on top of all the year round, flying the stars and stripes. Many Americans at home to hang the stars and stripes, in market stalls on the pending flag, even the sedan car is also affixed to a stars and stripes...... In so many stars and stripes, a rare five-star red flag. I only in the people's Republic of China Consulate General in San Francisco on top and the UN building in New York in front of the square, see the five-star red flag. Because of this, he was in heavy traffic on the streets of New York to lift the five-star red flag, behoove attract millions of people's eyes.
He is in his forties, of average height, wearing a bright red ski jacket, in the United States travel agency as" New York day" Chinese tour guide. I have been to New York. This time, come to New York again, in order to be able in a short period of time to revisit the main attractions of New York, participated in the" New York Tour", made the acquaintance of the hands of the five-star red flag of the tour guide.
He said, now China is strong, from China to the United States, more and more friends to come to New York. Chinese friends to New York, always wanted to meet the world's super city. Playing the five-star red flag guide, make Chinese friends are very proud of. Besides, with the bright five-star red flag team, also easy to let the passengers in the New York area full of people find guides.
The United States of America travel agency personnel capable, guide and driver in a body. He is familiar with New York's high streets and back lanes, driving in traffic as the New York, such as the fish into the water. While driving, while using a standard Mandarin to tourists.
I guess, he came from mainland china. Ask, if so. He told me, his experience with the times" synchronous": in the"Cultural Revolution" he worked as a" Red Guard"; crushing the"Gang of four", the"travel" when the driver; in" reform" days, when the real estate company general manager; then as" open" to come to the United States of America do business tide......
He was in the United States when the tour guide, is purely accidental: newly arrived in New York, he bought tickets, participate in the tour. On the way home, travel car broke, broke down. The driver can also repair bad, extremely anxious, call the boss to send someone to repair. At this time, he pulled up his sleeves, neat and quick, fixed. The driver asked him how he was so adept, he replied in China doing this line. The news reached the ears of travel agency boss, boss come looking for him, ask him to return to one's former career. The boss is so anxious, because international tourists from mainland China are getting more and more, and speak Mandarin guide too little. In the past, New York Chinese travel agency source mainly from Hong Kong and Taiwan, so the tour guides are also from Hong Kong and Taiwan, in English, Cantonese, Hokkien interpretation. At present, China" rich", a large number of mainland Chinese tourists come to, need to speak fluent Mandarin guide. He can speak good Mandarin, Hokkien, Cantonese and English, can, and will be driving, repair, and travel agency working experience. The boss behoove"stare at him". In this way, was prepared to do business in the United States he, in New York when a tour guide......
Because he is also from the Chinese mainland, the five-star red flag have very deep feelings. He was flying around with the stars and stripes of New York, playing a five-star red flag. He hands the five-star red flag, also called" trouble"," independence" elements had warned him, you were in New York for the five-star red flag, watch your head! Ignore him, still holding a flag!
To my surprise, that afternoon, in a tourist spot in western dress and leather shoes, a small youth, with a Chinese tour groups, to meet him. He slapped his young shoulders, looked very affectionate. I found, the young man hands, also holding a five-star red flag.
I asked him, the young man is your travel agency? He shook his head and said, is also a tourist agency. I asked, young also cite the five-star red flag, is to learn from you? He laughed, tell me the" secret":" he is my boy!"
Now I understand," Oh,' followed in his father's footsteps' son, also when the tour guide."
He shook his head. He said, my son in New York University, free today, to travel to work, earn pocket money. However, I feel shy son to work this travel agency work, always to other travel agencies as" temporary tour guide".
He also told me, son more than he" standard mandarin". Son not only fluent in English, can speak Spanish, Japanese, sometimes from the European tour, Japan when the tour guide. Boy than me so much more, this is called a generation beat generation. I noticed him in praise," kid", face full of pride.
From morning till night, he in the cold wind to accompany tourists travel all day. At nightfall,"day trip" over, under the snow. Logically, he drove his car to the designated locations, announced the dissolution of the line. He did not, on the way to a visitor to the subway or bus station. He also put the mobile phone number to copy to me, if I am in New York have something to him, to make a phone call on the line......
They-- the special pair of father and son, give me an indelible impression, even when I write this essay topic" they", memory screen immediately flashes they and their hands on the five-star red flag.
介绍 烟台华山景区位于山东省烟台市牟平区,是一个以山水为主题的综合性旅游景区。景区内有华山湖、华山寺、华山风景区、华山温泉等
第一段:烟台环海路简介 烟台环海路是指从烟台市区出发,沿着海岸线一路绕行,最终回到烟台市区的旅游路线。全长约200公里,途经海滨
介绍 烟台户外拓展基地位于烟台市莱阳区,是一个集休闲、娱乐、拓展、培训为一体的综合性旅游景点。基地占地面积达2000余亩,拥有丰
一:蓬莱阁 蓬莱阁位于烟台市蓬莱区,是中国古代神话中东海龙宫所在地,也是中国道教的圣地之一。蓬莱阁是烟台市的标志性建筑,是一
一:登上山顶,俯瞰海景 首先,我们来到烟台最著名的景点——海滨公园。这里有一座高达44.1米的烟台山,登上山顶可以俯瞰整个烟台市
景点介绍 烟台华夏城位于烟台市芝罘区南部,占地面积约12.5万平方米,是一座仿古园林式主题公园。园内有众多的文化景观和娱乐设施,
第一天:海滨浴场和美食之旅 上午:前往红岛海滨浴场,享受阳光、沙滩和海浪。在海滨浴场附近的小吃摊上品尝当地的海鲜和烧烤。 下
一:海滨公园 海滨公园是烟台最著名的旅游景点之一,位于烟台市区的海滨路上,是一处集游览、休闲、娱乐、运动为一体的大型综合性公
烟台 烟台是一个美丽的海滨城市,有许多值得一游的景点。 第一天 上午:游览烟台海滨公园,欣赏海景和花卉展览。 下午:前往八大关,
第一站:红岛海滩 烟台红岛海滩是一个非常适合游泳和沙滩运动的地方。这里有很多沙滩运动可以尝试,如沙滩排球、沙滩足球、沙滩
介绍 烟台耕海一号是一艘豪华游艇,提供烟台海域的游览服务。游艇配备了先进的设施和舒适的舱室,让游客在海上尽情享受美景
烟台 烟台是山东省的一个海滨城市,拥有丰富的旅游资源。以下是烟台的旅游攻略: 景点推荐 八大关:是烟台的著名景点之一,有着百
第一天:烟台 烟台是一座美丽的海滨城市,有着许多值得一去的景点。首先可以去烟台山,登上山顶可以俯瞰整个城市和海岸线。然后可以
第一天:游览烟台市区 烟台市区是烟台旅游的重要组成部分,这里有许多著名景点和美食,建议游客在第一天游览烟台市区。 景点
美丽的海滨城市 烟台和威海都是美丽的海滨城市,冬天虽然有些寒冷,但是海风吹拂,景色依旧美丽。这里为大家介绍一些冬天旅游的景点
一:探索烟台海滨风光 烟台是一个美丽的海滨城市,拥有众多的海滩和海景。从烟台高铁站出发,您可以先前往烟台市区的海滩,如金沙滩
1.蓬莱岛 蓬莱岛是烟台最著名的海岛之一,也是中国四大神话之一的“蓬莱仙岛”的所在地。岛上有蓬莱阁、长生殿等古建筑,还有美丽